VTL Male Enhancement Make your goals reasonable when trying to build muscle. You will see the best results over hundreds of workout sessions. You can do more harm that good if you attempt to build up muscle mass fast by using steroids, stimulants or other harmful substances. Be sure you set some realistic goals for yourself. While you may hope to squat 300 pounds just a month after you start working out, this is not a feasible goal, and it's one that could cause you to injure yourself. After you determine your baseline strength, see to it that you reach for the best results in each routine. You may surprise yourself and improve over the goal you set for yourself. This can motivate you and encourage you to keep working out. Your diet should include whole, fresh foods when you are trying to bulk up. Anything that comes in a box or can should be passed over, as the chemicals it contains can hurt your immune system and reduce your energy levels. Foods that are healthy are going to bolster your immune system while also aiding in your efforts to build muscle. Eating the right amount and types of food is critical when it comes to efficient muscle-building. Your muscles thrive on certain nutrients and cannot recover from exercise without plenty of them. There have been studies done that show drinking protein shakes after a workout is beneficial for muscle fiber rebuilding. Remember that nobody is going to give you a prize for finishing your workout quickly. Resist the urge to rush through exercise sets and blast through your reps as fast as you can. Performing the movements of each exercise slowly will provide better results, even if you have to switch to a lighter weight to do it. Try to shoot for 20 seconds for each rep, with 5-10 seconds for each movement within any weight-lifting exercise. The most important factor in weight lifting is your technique. Technique trumps speed, frequency and even intensity. You must practice each exercise slowly and carefully until you master it. It is ideal to do this early on using light weights so you are enabled to maximize later exercise with higher weights. Do not cut out all fat in your diet as this is a building block for healthy joints. These fats not only lubricate your joints, they also help to keep your testosterone level high.